Charlotte: My plastic free journey
/Meeting our customers is one of the best parts of our jobs! We are always inspired by their efforts to go plastic free and love hearing their journeys of how they came to start shopping plastic free and we thought you might do too! It is always inspiring to hear from others and in this brave new world of zero waste and plastic free its great to pick up hints and tips from each other and feel part of a wider community that together will make great change!
On moving to St Agnes Charlotte got in touch about our delivery service and has been ordering with us ever since, here’s her story:
I was taught about recycling as a child, but it was as an adult that I learnt about the limits of recycling. We made package-free a priority in our life when we moved to Cornwall. Seeing and wanting to protect nature is so inescapable here.
I really enjoy the genuine circular economy when shopping package free, for example we love that we can return the glass jars we get liquids in with our deliveries with Incredible Bulk.
For anyone thinking of starting my top tip is to use what you have. You don’t need a new set of package-free paraphernalia to build a plastic and package-free home. Start saving your used jars for storage. I also find meal prepping helps! And for when I’m at a loose end for a meal I recommend the noodles! Stir fries are so quick and easy on busy week nights. They’re also great for leftover veg and egg-free, win, win, win!