DIY: All Purpose Cleaner

Its quick, easy and cheap to make your own surface cleaner for use around the home. Vinegar has been used for millennia for cleaning. Using products made from natural ingredients is healthier for both you and the planet. If you don’t want to make your own, check out our multi surface sanitiser from Bio D which is great! Making your own or refilling means you can refill the bottle you already have and avoid wasting single use plastic bottles.

You’ll need:

1 spray bottle (use one you already have or invest in a glass spray bottle)

60ml white vinegar

150ml water

40ml surgical spirit / rubbing alcohol / high % vodka


20 drops of essential oil of choice or

vinegar with lemon/citrus peel or pine needles (if you want to add a citrus zest or pine to your home cleaner, keep left over lemon peels (or collected pine needles) in a jar of vinegar, leave for 1-2 weeks, drain and use as below instead of plain vinegar.)


In your spray bottle mix the all ingredients together, shake to mix and it’s ready to use!

If you’re dealing with tougher stains increase mix of vinegar.

There is varying info on what surfaces its safe to use vinegar on, the one that comes up most to avoid is stone/quartz. If you are looking to clean this surface its recommended to avoid vinegar or increase the mix of alcohol and reduce the amount of vinegar.

Recipe from Nancy Birtwhistle Clean & Green.

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