Wild Garlic Pesto
/Another easy to forage food is wild garlic. Found in shady spots, quite often in woodlands the leaf of the wild garlic plant is great to pick to add to salads but also makes a delicious pesto!
You’ll need to go foraging for wild garlic, best time is spring- march/april, pick the leaves.
Makes large jar full.
Ingredients (when in italics available from the van)
100g garlic leaves
1 lemon - juice of
100ml olive oil (95p)
100g pumpkin seeds or walnuts (85p or £1.50)
4 tablespoons nutritional yeast (approx 40p)
half teaspoon salt (approx 5p)
pepper to taste
Total cost from Incredible Bulk approx £2.25 (pumpkin) £2.90 (walnut)
First sort through garlic leaves and remove thick stalks and thoroughly wash.
Gently dry roast pumpkin seeds or walnuts in frying pan.
Add all ingredients except olive oil to blender and blitz, then add olive oil and blend again.
Transfer to jar and enjoy!
Zero Waste Tips
Freeze pesto in ice cube trays and keep in freezer to prolong life and save any wastage.
Before juicing lemon you could zest or peel skin to save for use in other recipes. Or use leftover lemon to make cordial.