Carrot Cake
/Another fantastic recipe from Deliciously Ella, this cake is scrumptious! And the cashew icing is very clever! This recipe is from her The Plant Based Cookbook.
You’ll need mixing bowl, cake tins, food processor.
Serves 10.
Ingredients (when in italics available from the van)
For Cake
400g plain flour of choice (buckwheat suggested)
1 teaspoon bi carb (approx 5p)
2 teaspoons baking powder (approx 7p)
200g ground almonds (£3.20)
400g coconut sugar (£3.20)
3 medium carrots (approx 250g) peeled and grated
100g raisins (50p)
600ml milk of choice (almond suggested)
100g coconut oil, melted
For icing
250g cashews, soaked 4hrs/overnight then drained (£3.75)
7 tablespoons maple syrup
2 tablespoons almond milk
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon (approx 15p)
Total cost from Incredible Bulk approx £10.92 / £1.10 pp
Preheat the oven to 200ºC (fan 180ºC). Line two 23cm cake tins with baking parchment.
In a large bowl, mix together the flour, bicarb, baking powder, ground almonds and coconut sugar, stirring well to remove any lumps. Once combined, add the carrots, raisins, almond milk and coconut oil, and stir again until a batter has formed.
Pour the batter into the lined tins and bake for 35–40 minutes, until well risen and a knife inserted in the centre comes out clean – if it doesn’t, place the tins back in the oven for 5 more minutes.
Once ready, remove and leave the cakes to cool in their tins until room temperature, about 30 minutes.
While the cakes cool, make the icing. Place the drained cashews in a food processor with the rest of the ingredients and blitz until smooth, about 10–15 minutes – it should be thick enough to hold its shape but thin enough to smooth over a cake. Add another splash of almond milk if it gets too thick.
Remove the cooled cakes from their tins. Spread half of the icing over one cake to make the cake’s filling then sandwich the two cakes together. Smooth the other half of the icing over the top and serve.
Zero Waste Tips
Use home compostable baking parchment paper.
Make your own Almond Milk to avoid packaging.
If you have left over icing its great to use in porridge or to stuff dates!