Black Bean Brownies

One of our lovely customers shared this recipe with us and we’ve been baking these brownies non-stop! They’ve been fueling us through our house move, offering a sweet-hit but with all the benefits of a serving of beans!

Ingredients (when in italics available from the van)

Makes 1 tray brownies

1 cup walnuts (approx £1.85)

240g cooked black beans (approx 120g dried weight) (approx 66p)

1/2 cup cocoa powder (approx £1)

8 dates (we prefer to use medjool) (approx £2.10)

1/3 cup olive oil (approx £1)

pinch sea salt

1 heaped teaspoon baking powder (approx 10p)

sweetener- original recipe recommends 1/3 cup but we use 1-2 tablespoons and find them sweet enough - use maple syrup, honey or your favourite liquid sweetener.

1 cup cooked beetroot or sweet potato

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Total cost from Incredible Bulk approx £5.71


Pre-heat oven to 180C

Prepare your beans if not already cooked- soak overnight/8 hrs and then cook (90 mins in saucepan, 8-9 mins in pressure cooker) and same with your chosen veg, steam or roast in oven.

Once beans and veg are ready add all ingredients to a blender or food processor to blitz together.

Spread mixture out on prepared baking tin (mixture fills tin approx 30x20cm)

Bake in oven for approx 20 mins

Allow to cool slightly before eating - great warm or cold.

Zero Waste Tips

Buy ingredients from your local zero waste shop and avoid single use packaging.

Look for loose or plastic free veg.

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