Sosmix Vegan Sausages

Sosmix is a veggie throwback for many people, one of the original vegetarian options for many early adopters of a plant based diet! We hadn’t heard of it until we started the business and a couple of customers requested it. Since stocking it for Incredible Bulk we thought we’d best give it a try and we’re now converts to a sosmix sausage! We think it has a great taste and texture and you can easily jazz it up by adding a few herbs or spices.

The basic instructions are:

150g sosmix mixed with 250ml cold water. Mix well and leave for 10 mins. You can then shape into your sausages, this amount makes around 6-8 sausages depending on size. To cook you can place in the oven or frying pan to heat up. (Or the BBQ!)

Delicious plain but a few of our favourite additions are:

* Rosemary : adding 1-2 teaspoons of rosemary to the sosmix before adding the water. Or another favourite with rosemary is to make the sausages as per the basic recipe and then roll in rosemary for a crispy rosemary finish!

* Sage and grated apple : add 1-2 teaspoons of sage to the sosmix along with 1-2 tablespoons of grated apple for a classic sausage combination! Depending on how watery your apple is you may want to add a touch less water, you can always start with less, see how the mixture firms up and add more if you feel its too dry.

* Smoked paprika and tomato : a chorizo version, start by making a quick tomato stock by soaking a few sun dried tomatoes with boiling water and allowing to cool (good to do the night before if you remember!). Remove the tomatoes from the stock and finely chop. Add 1-2 teaspoons of smoked paprika to your sosmix and mix in the tomatoes (you may want to add all or just a little bit depending on how much tomato flavour you want) and finally add your tomato stock instead of water - again you may want to add a little less than 250ml due to the tomatoes - adjust according to your tastes.

* Umami stock: to make a meatier tasting sausage you can make an umami stock to use instead of water - you can make a mushroom stock by soaking dried mushrooms in hot water and leaving to cool. To this you could add a splash of tamari and/or some miso for a deep meaty flavour. Add in the mushrooms (finely chopped) to the sosmix if you want.

* Linseed : not a flavour addition but if you’re keen to get more seeds into your diet ground linseed can easily be added to your sosmix. You can add 1-2 teaspoons to the mix and then follow the standard instructions or any of the above combinations.

Enjoy your sosmix experiments - get in touch to let us know you favourite combos!

Total cost from Incredible Bulk approx £1.50 for 150g of Sosmix, which makes approx 6-8 sausages.

Zero Waste Tips

Buy sosmix from your local zero waste shop and avoid single use packaging.

Look for loose or plastic free dried tomatoes and mushrooms.

Only make what you need, these are super quick to make so reduce the quantities to make the amount of sausages you need. We have kept the made up mix in the fridge overnight to reuse the next day if you do make extra.

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