Chia Pudding

Chia pudding is a super easy, nutritious breakfast, snack or dessert! We found the ratio of liquid to chia from Green Kitchen at Home by David Frenkiel and Luise Vindahl works great which is 1 heaped tablespoon to every 100ml of liquid. You can always add more or less depending on how you like the consistency.

100ml of liquid with 1 heaped tablespoon of chia is a perfect serving for 1.

There are loads of different options when it comes to chia pudding.

A super easy basic recipe is to use your favourite milk (we often make a quick hemp or oat milk by blending one tablespoon for every 100ml of water, no need to strain) and then mix in your chia seeds. You want to mix thoroughly to stop your chia sitting at the bottom and forming big clumps (if this happens simply mix well and leave for a few mins and it’ll then be ready to eat). You can leave overnight or it can be ready in as little as 15 mins!

You can play around with sweetness by adding spices (cinnamon, cardamom and mixed spice are lovely), dried fruits (blending in a few pre-soaked dates or prunes to your milk before adding your chia adds a nice sweetness), frozen or fresh berries (again you can blend into your milk before adding the chia) or traditional sweeteners such us maple syrup, honey or agave. Adding lemon juice or zest gives a nice tanginess!

This milky basic chia pudding is a great base, you can then add toppings depending on when you’re eating- granola, nut butter, seeds, cacao nibs, fresh, frozen or dried fruits (you can make a delicious fruit mousse by blending berries with avocado and dates).

To make a rich chocolatey chia pudding we suggest blending 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder for each 100ml milk together with 3-5 pre-soaked dates for sweetness. Blend your milk, cocoa and fruit together before adding in your chia. Oat, cashew or hazelnut milks make a delicious pairing with chocolate. If you are after a rich, creamy pudding you can blend in an avocado (you may need a bit more sweetener) or use coconut milk.

Another great combo is banana, nut butter and either cocoa or dates - play around with either blending in with your milk or using as toppings.

You can make up a batch and store in a jar in the fridge, will last for 3 days.

Enjoy your chia experiments - get in touch to let us know you favourite combos!

Total cost from Incredible Bulk approx 10p for every serving of chia pudding.

Zero Waste Tips

Buy chia seeds from your local zero waste shop and avoid single use packaging.

Look for loose fruits and berries without plastic packaging.

Buy a sweetener in a glass jar that can be reused for your refills.

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