Soy Milk
/A DIY dairy free milk, avoid the packaging and make your own! Recipe taken from Mary’s Test Kitchen.
You’ll need a blender, large saucepan, muslin cloth, sieve and bowl.
Makes around 1 litre.
Ingredients (when in italics available from the van)
200g soya beans (60p)
5 cups water (plus more for soaking)
Optional sweetener to taste
Total cost from Incredible Bulk approx £0.60
Soak soya beans in fresh water overnight or for 24hrs in a large container.
Drain beans and transfer to large bowl and cover with water to submerge.
Rub beans between fingers to remove skins, the beans will sink and skins float - remove skins and discard. (This is more important when making milk to drink, less so if making milk to make tofu).
Drain beans.
Blend the beans with 5 cups of water until well mixed and beans broken down.
Strain liquid through muslin cloth over colander or sieve. The liquid will be the soy milk, the pulp, known as okara can be kept and used for other recipes.
Place liquid in saucepan and heat on high heat until boiling, stirring regularly to avoid skin forming.
Let the milk boil for a couple of minutes and then reduce to a simmer. Simmer between 10mins - 2 hours, as the milk cooks the liquid becomes less bitter so cook to taste preference. If using add sweetener at end of process.
When ready strain milk into bottle and store.
Zero Waste Tips
Make sure you keep your discarded soy pulp (okara) to use in other recipes.