/Vegan substitutes such as tofu often come in single use plastic packaging, so we wanted to try and make our own! We found this easy recipe and it works! Recipe taken from Mary’s Test Kitchen.
You’ll need a large saucepan, wooden spoon, muslin cloth, sieve, bowl and books to use as weights, or a tofu press if you have one.
Makes 1 block tofu approx 200g.
Ingredients (when in italics available from the van)
1 litre soy milk (60p if follow DIY recipe)
120ml water
1 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice
Total cost from Incredible Bulk approx £0.60 (approx half the cost of tofu you’d find in the supermarket).
Combine the water and lemon juice in jug.
In a saucepan heat the soy milk to 160F (71C). Stir constantly to stop milk burning. Make sure it gets up to temp, if it doesn’t get hot enough this affects the curdling process.
Once at temp remove from heat and stir half of the lemon mixture into the soy milk for 1 or 2 minutes with a wooden spoon or spatula. Stand the spoon or spatula straight down into the milk to cause the spinning motion of the milk to stop. Add the rest of the lemon mixture and stir the spatula in a back and forth motion or a figure eight motion. The intent is to mix the lemon juice coagulant in thoroughly but gently. After a minute or two, the soy milk should start to separate and curds will begin to form. Stop stirring and cover the pot with a lid.
Let sit for 10 to 15 minutes.
The soy milk will have completely separated into bits of soybean curd and liquid. The liquid should be rather clear and yellowish. If it is still milky looking, it has not completely curdled. In that case, add a few drops of lemon juice and stir them in well.
Ladle the soy curds into muslin cloth set over sieve and bowl. Pull up the sides of the cloth to allow water to drain out. Twist cloth to squeeze out more water.
Once you have all the curds, place within muslin cloth and form into shape. Place a weight on top. You want to press the curds evenly, a cutting board with a few books on top works well.
Let sit for 30 minutes to an hour.
Carefully unwrap the tofu and place in a bowl of very cold water. This will help the tofu firm up further.
Now it's ready to use or store it in water, in the fridge, for 1 to 2 weeks. It can also be frozen.
Zero Waste Tips
Make your own soy milk to avoid all packaging!
Buy lemon loose for lemon juice.
Keep the whey - use in baking, for pancakes, soups etc