Courgette and Carrot Strip Salad
/An easy to put together salad that can be made completely waste free. Recipe from the Every Day cookbook from Deliciously Ella.
You’ll need a peeler and bowl.
Serves 3
Ingredients (when in italics available from the van)
2 Courgettes
3 Carrots
handful pumpkin seeds (approx 24p)
handful sunflower seeds (approx 15p)
4 tablespoons olive oil (approx 27p)
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (approx 24p)
1 teaspoon smoked paprika (approx 10p)
salt and pepper
Total cost from Incredible Bulk approx £1.00 /£0.33 pp
Use a vegetable peeler to peel courgettes and carrots into strips, (you may find that once you get to the seedy core of the courgette its tricky to peel so you can leave and utilise in another recipe). Place the strips of carrot and courgette in a bowl with the seeds and pour the vinegar and oil over, sprinkle paprika, salt and pepper over and stir well. Salad will keep in fridge for up to 3 days.
Zero Waste Tips
Buy veg loose from local farmers markets and growers.
Utilise veg peelings by using to make your own veg stock.