Italian Okara Balls
/A vegan take on meatballs using okara, the discarded soy pulp left over from making soy milk. A great zero waste recipe! Recipe taken from Messy Vegan Cook.
You’ll need a blender and mixing bowl.
Makes around 12.
Ingredients (when in italics available from the van)
75g vital wheat gluten
30g oat flour (blended from oats approx cost 8p)
1/4 teaspoon oregano (approx 8p)
1/4 teaspoon thyme (approx 8p)
1/4 teaspoon salt (approx 5p)
1/2 cup fresh okara (see soy milk recipe for okara, uses about half approx 30p)
90g chopped onion
1 tablespoon vegan Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon ketchup
2 teaspoon yeast extract spread
2 cloves fresh garlic, smashed
1/2 tsp dijon mustard
Total cost from Incredible Bulk approx £0.59
Mix dry ingredients (gluten flour, spices, and oat flour) in a medium bowl.
Make a paste out of all the remaining ingredients by placing all but the okara in a blender.
Remove and stir okara in until mixed.
Add the okara mix to the dry mix and stir until all of the ingredients begin to mix. You can use hands to mix, but don’t over-knead the dough.
Form into small balls and steam for 25-30 minutes.
When you’re ready to eat the vegan meatballs, simply fry them up in a little oil or add to your favourite sauce.
Zero Waste Tips
This is a great zero waste recipe to use up your soy bean pulp from DIY soy milk recipe.
Find mustard, ketchup and Worcestershire sauce in glass bottles that can easily be recycled.