Hemp Seeds (Organic)

  • Great for vegan milk and yoghurt. Can be used to make hummus and a type of tofu. Use to make seed crackers, in bread and biscuits. Great for sprinkling on dishes!


  • A rich source of healthy oils, omega 3 and 6, proteins, minerals (iron and zinc) and vitamin E. A small serving of only 30g provides nine grams of protein and a good source of iron.

    source: The Vegan Kitchen by Rose Glover and Laura Nickoll, and Future 50 Foods.

  • This item is delivered to us in a plastic bag which we recycle with either Terracycle or Reworked.

  • China. Our suppliers use land, rail and sea to deliver their goods to the UK. delivered to us in Cornwall via land.

  • Included in the Future 50 Foods report, highlighting crops that would increase both agrobiodiversity and dietary diversity. Fast growing, thrives in a variety of soils.

    Source: Future 50 Foods