Pecan Halves

  • A great healthy snack. Good for baking, nice in salads.


  • Allergen: Nuts

    Rich in vitamins A and B, fibre, iron, calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. high in fats (contain more than any other nut).

    source: The Vegan Kitchen by Rose Glover and Laura Nickoll

    Nut consumption is associated with a lower risk of dying from stroke, heart disease, respiratory disease, infections, diabetes and even cancer. An average of around 12g a day is recommended. There is such a thing as too many nuts due to oxalates, avoid regularly eating more than a cup a day.

    source: How Not To Age Dr Michael Greger.

  • Sold package free - bring along your own container to refill. Sold in paper bag for our home delivery service.

    Delivered in a plastic bag within a cardboard box. The plastic bag is recycled via Terracycle or Reworked.

    The cardboard box is reused for our home delivery service.

  • USA. Delivered to our supplier via sea and land and delivered to us in Cornwall via land.