Cardamom Pods

  • As a spice, to add flavour to dishes.

    Considered the Queen of Spices.

    Intense citrusy-sweet aroma. An essential ingredient in Indian sweet and savoury dishes.

    Use whole pods for a subtle flavour (remove before serving) or crush the seeds in pestle and mortar for more potent hit.


  • Anti-inflammatory and a good source of minerals, particularly iron.

    Source: How Not To Age Dr Michael Greger, and The Vegan Kitchen Rose Glover and Laura Nickoll

  • Sold package free- bring along your spice pot to refill or delivered in brown paper bag.

    Delivered to us in large plastic bag which we recycle with either Terracycle or Refactory.

  • Usually from Guatemala or Sri Lanka.

    Delivered to our suppliers in the UK via Sea and Land. Delivered to us via Land.